How to Choose and Care For Kitchen Towels
Whether drying hands, grabbing a hot dish or covering rising dough,Kjøkkenhåndklær are an indispensable part of every cook’s arsenal. But with a variety of sizes and fabrics available, it’s important to know which towel is best for each task, and how to care for them properly.
Modern Kitchen Towels in Scandinavian Design
Dish Towels
A must-have for any cook, a good kitchen towel is thick and absorbent to handle both heavy cleaning and light tasks like wiping countertops and polishing dishes. It should also resist shrinkage and lint, be easy to wash, and add a bold touch of style to your kitchen.
Dish towels are typically made from terry cloth or cotton and come in a variety of styles and colors to match any kitchen. Terry cloth, with its looped texture, is great for soaking up lots of water, while cotton’s smooth weave is ideal for wiping down surfaces and handling delicate items without leaving streaks or lint.
Tea Towels
Light, soft, and often decorative, tea towels are perfect for lighter tasks and making your kitchen look nicer. Traditionally made from linen, which doesn’t leave lint and gets softer each time it’s washed, today most are made from cotton or microfibre, which dry quickly and absorb moisture without generating lint.