How to Do a VOIP Reverse Lookup

VoIP phones have become a popular alternative to traditional landlines. Many people use these types of phone numbers because they can save money, and they also offer a ton of other benefits. Unfortunately, VOIP numbers can be used by scammers and spammers to hide their identity and make it difficult to track them down. This article will explore how to do a VOIP reverse lookup so you can find out who is calling.

VoIP Reverse Lookup: Identifying VOIP Numbers

Performing a VoIP reverse lookup can be tricky, but it is not impossible. It is important to remember that most VOIP calls are encrypted, and NAT and encryption can make it challenging to intercept data packets from a call. In addition, VOIP calls can be spoofed, making it difficult to determine the true origin of a call. Fortunately, there are a few ways to do a VOIP reverse lookup that can help you find out who is calling.

One way to trace a VoIP number is by using a free online service that can provide you with the name and address of the person who is calling you. There are several services available, and some of them are even able to identify whether the caller is using a mobile or landline phone.

Another option is to contact your VoIP service provider and ask them to perform a CNAM lookup on the caller’s account. However, this method will only work if the caller registered their number with the VoIP provider and used a genuine IP address.

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